Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Macaroons practise

Today we tried to make macaroons, first badge didn't work. The egg whites collapsed and it was to runny. It turned out to be one big macaroon.
Second badge the mixture was less runny the macaroons where holding its shape. Yeah
Then one tiny little thing went wrong, the oven was to hot. hmmm Uhm it sort of went very flat and cracked.
Lesson two, do not stuff up your macaroons, do not put your oven to high, do not forget to use a double baking tray. But most of all do not put your cutting board in the oven with the baking tray!
Hope you all have learned from this and will produce better macaroons.
Lesson three; never say i can make this recipe with my eyes closed!
i bet ye it will turn out like never before:(
Next week Part two of the macaroon practise, and we will throw in some brownies and snickerdoodles.